
The South Eastern Europe Organic Network – SEEON is a regional network aiming to support the development of the organic movement in South Eastern Europe. Members of SEEON are different organic movement stakeholders represented in the SEEON General Assembly.
SEEON is defined by its statutes. For a full overview of the SEEON structure please study our statutes.

SEEON Board consists of persons elected by the General Assembly for a period of four years. The Board steersSEEON in accordance with the Objectives defined by the General Assembly.

SEEON Board Members:

Goran Angelovski, Macedonian Organic Producers Federation (MK)
Ani Simeonova, Association Savremie (BG)
Sejad Herceg, ORGANSKO F BiH (BiH)
MatijaVuksa, Association DOBRA (CRO)
Enver Isufi, Institute of Organic Agriculture (AL)
Magbule Hyseni, IADK (KOS)
Jelena Ivović, TERRAS (SRB)
Boris Potočar, Eco Accelerator COOP (SI)