Services & Membership
SEEON offers services to its member organizations as well as to the broader organic movement in the region.
Our services aimed at different organic movement participants. We are dedicated to supporting the development of the organic movement in South East Europe by enabling networking and cooperation possibilities to different stakeholders and participants.
Organic movement participants in SEE can use SEEON services offered by our member organizations operation on a national level.
SEEON services are also extended via the National SEEON web platform pages. The scope of the services available for different countries depends on the service provision capacity and interest of the national organic movement and national SEEON members to extend services on national level. Thus, SEEON services available in different countries may have different scope in different countries.
SEEON web platform is designed to enable networking and cooperation between organic movement participants and stakeholders in different countries.
It is also enabling visitors to discover and learn about organic movement in the region.
SEEON national web pages offer consumers access to organic products offered on national level via different market channels.
Via the SEEON organic library we offer access to organic production related resources available in the region.